This was supposed to get posted awhile ago but for some reason was only a "draft" here it is! Pictures and Colorado stuff will have to come later ;)
December 24th (X-mas Eve): We packed up in the A.M. and headed to G-ma & G-pa Reilly's by around 1PM. We made it to their house just in time for X-mas Mass at church in Manawa, WI. After mass, we went back to G-ma & G-pa Reilly's for dinner and gifts. Keller got a lot of attention from all of the people there to celebrate with us (Ken & LuAnn Pauer, Uncle Cullan and Claire). Plus we went to visit the Starr family at their house and Steve, SuAnn, Ryne and Zane Goederrz were there too! So it was one big party!
Sadly, I'm bad at staying up late and even though it was only around 11PM I was tired! and wanted sleep...and by golly sleep is what I got!
December 25th (Christmas Day): With the help from the grandparents and my wonderful husband, I got to REALLY sleep in until 11! Holy about a great way to start off Christmas morning!
We had a great day hanging out at the Reilly residence, but as night approached we packed up and headed back to Eau Claire for the night to spend first Christmas together in our new home. We got to exchange gifts on our own for the first time which was super nice (Broghan got a tie hanging thingy and a velcro-neck warmer; I got a GPS & Scuba lessons!)
December 26th (Christmas Day...the second): The day started early and we packed up again and headed to the Twin Cities to spend the day celebrating Christmas at my parents' house in Tonka Bay, MN with my dad's side of our family. Translation: 65 people in one house...and 5 (yes FIVE) babies under 1 year. It was a great time and so much fun to get to see practically ALL of my cousins at once. I think we were only missing a handful of people which was very impressive.
We also go to open gifts for the third day in a row....and that's right...WE GOT A WII!! we've joined in on the fun! Oh and an electric can opener too...and Keller made out with about 50 new outfits and toys.. Such a spoiled little boy. And he doesn't even know it!
December 27th was the day we set off for Colorado! Keller's first big road trip and ski trip all rolled into one. Anna, my older sister, was nice enough to join us since Broghan had to stay in WI for a few more days to work (he flew out New Years-Eve) and thank goodness she did! She pretty much took the brunt of the driving, battling the Nebraskan roadways post-blizzard snow storm. AND she tackled the switchbacks of the mountains as my ears refused to adjust to the altitude.
See the next post for the Colorado experience break-down...