Labor Day Weekend 2015

Labor Day Weekend 2015

Friday, February 19, 2010 give up or add on?

Since yesterday was apparently Ash Wednesday (I was unaware...maybe I should check my calendars more often?) but I believe that this would be the beginning of the Lenten season. The 40 before the death of Christ. And from what I remember it's to be symbolic of the 40 days and nights Jesus spent in the desert fight the temptations of the Devil. So here we are now, and traditionally during Lent, we are to give up something in order to feel the burden of that temptation Jesus felt. Well a few years ago, someone (I have no idea who) had brought up the idea that instead of trying to say 'no' to something, why don't we say 'yes' to something positive and in line with the teachings of Jesus. In reality you probably would end up giving up something anyways by adding another...its the beauty of the give-take of time.

So this morning I have been contemplating what to 'add'...and I think there are probably a few things I could put on that list. For one, and this I realize is not exactly 'Jesus' teachings' but I'd like to try to FLOSS every day :) I've done it every day since I had my dentist appointment (on Tuesday) (which by the way...NO CAVITIES! a big improvement over the 6 at the last appointment!). I also would like to make sure I'm sticking to the treatment plan set forth by my chiropractor/husband about wearing headweights. For those that are confused, headweights are worn to correct forward head posture...something most people have and is actually developed often by the excess use of a computer...such as the one I'm typing on now. ironic. But if you're curious, just google it, I'm sure it'll bring up something. Or use Bing..haha.

I guess I'll have to think more about other things for my list. I know one is that I'd like to take 5 minutes to pray or as I call it have a H2H (heart to heart) with God.

So I pose the question, what are all of you doing for this lenten season? Giving up? Adding on? Nothing?! :)

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