I have been trying to train as much as possible for this, but apparently not enough. Once the swim got underway my mental strength wavered and panic set it. It was a very far swim out to those buoys and I got nervous...bad bad bad thing to happen in the water with hundreds of people swimming
So the bike gets underway and Broghan again just stayed with me. He didn't have to since he is a much much faster biker, but he pushed me for the first 10 miles. Then as we passed a turn and had to go into more of a tandem and he noticed my bike seat was low. So we stopped, he adjusted my seat and we agreed at that point that he should go on ahead and kick some butt! Him and I together had passed one person and were close to passing another. From what he said, after leaving me, he passed another 8!! Way to go husband!
As for me...well, I WAS about to pass a guy...I could see him...and then, as I was peddling my little heart out on a decline..my tire swerved and I went a-flyin'. Picture will be soon to follow, but I have a nice road rash on my left elbow & knee (the knee isn't bad at all), and my right palm. And my right middle-finger is pretty swollen...I think I just jammed it though. But wow was I pissed AGAIN at myself. Who falls off their bike going straight! Plus my chain my bike fell off...so there I was on the side of the road, no one around, bleeding and trying to figure out a chain. I hadn't put a chain on a bike in probably 10+ years! But I got it on, and I finished the bike part of the race.
Onto the run! Now this I was ready for. I love running...or well, enjoy it more than the other two. I knew I could succeed at this leg and I think I did really well considering I was banged up. I passed three people on my run! So I think that's a total of five :). Making me definitely NOT last!
I also finished under 3 hours for sure. As I crossed the finish line the time was 2:59:25 or something close...but my time will be less than that since I didn't start until almost 20 minutes into that time. I can't get the official times yet online, but when they get posted I'll be sure to update this post! And as I said, pictures to follow!
UPDATE: Overall time: 2:38:42
Breakdown: Swim -- 27:27; 1st Transition -- 3:08; Bike -- 1:24:15; 2nd Transition -- 1:36; Run --41:37
Pictures include: Broghan, his cousin Scott, Scott's wife Julie; All of us x2; action shot of Broghan & I coming out of the water (notice we're by ourselves!); Auntie Anna & Keller watching all the action; Broghan in motion!
Hahhahahaaa ABBY!!! You should be a writer, I was picturing you the whole time, laughing out loud at my computer! Thanks for the laugh, you and Broghan sure are cute (and obviously Lauren's bff, Keller)