Labor Day Weekend 2015

Labor Day Weekend 2015

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

My little Lucy-Fish - UPDATE

I've been mulling over these updates for a while now and figure that since I have a few minutes to myself while the kids finish up their naps, now is going to be my opportunity for this.  I've been posting a lot of picture updates for these little ones lately but have been reluctant? to post a written update.  Not sure, probably just the time and energy it takes to do this but there has been so much growth in both Lucy & Keller recently that they deserve and my memory will appreciate having this later on.

So to start, we'll shine a light on my little Miss Lucy.  God I love her.  I can't express that enough.  She is just an amazing, smart, funny, witty, (, adorable, loving child.  She brings a level of joy to my day that I never expected.

At this moment, she is just over 19 months old.  She is a typical #2 girl child in that she has advanced in language skills faster than I ever expected or sometimes wished.  We are fully in that stage of tantrums though so when she isn't getting what she wants or is struggling to communicate, the screaming and flinging of self does occur.  HOWEVER, thanks to the advanced language skills, she is typically able to calm herself down and when we ask her to use words, she does. This makes getting snacks, figuring out discomforts, or getting her to sleep much easier.

She also seems to be a on a path of potty-training earlier than I anticipated.  Just last night she requested her diaper be removed and then trekked to the bathroom - pointed at the light and said "turn on" then signaled to be put on the toilet...which she then proceeded to do her business.  When done, she said "all done" and assumed the position kids do when they want their bottoms wiped.  She's learned this system from watching big brother I realize, but I was utterly astonished that her diapers when removed were dry.  She was controlling it all! lol.  Such a smart cookie.  We're obviously still using diapers and not holding any expectations of this continuing, but I could get used to having a child day-time trained by age 2!

Just as Keller did, Lucy does have some favorites going strong.  While we thought we had successfully weaned from the Pacifier - "Paci" has made a comeback and is being requested all throughout the day.  She still wakes early in the mornings, hungry for something to fill her stomach.  Typically a banana will do it; however, "bar" or "happytot" are also big on the list of foods she enjoys.  She does love beans, avocados, grapes, pineapples, apples, etc.  Unlike her big brother she does NOT enjoy salad items but DOES enjoy mangos.  She enjoys our cocoa covered almonds too..although she tends to just suck the cocoa powder off and spit out the almonds ;).

As for toys, she is a whiz when it comes to puzzles or things to be put back together.  Her and Keller really enjoy building towers out of our legos or blocks and while she isn't as infatuated with anything sports/ball related like Keller was, she certainly likes to play with him and support him in those adventures.  She often takes the roll as the ball-getting-girl in those instances.  On her own, she really likes to try to ride bikes and kick balls though.

She likes to try to sing along to songs on the radio and to me while I do my best to sing them to sleep.  She also is starting to finally enjoy reading..or at least listening to us reading books. She doesn't always sit through them all the way or care if we actually say words, just as long as we flip through the pages she is happy and content.

And last but not least in any way, she is in LOVE with two particular things: Baby and Blankie!  Blankie being top priority at almost every moment of the day.  We are lucky to escape the house without it in tow, but I have to admit, its super cute when she realizes its not within eye sight and wanders around calling and looking for it.  Baby is similarly important but not quite as much. She is much more willing to leave baby-doll behind than blankie...or similarly, to share baby as opposed to sharing blankie.

As for sleeping, I feel like we've almost 100% transitioned to 1 nap/day and she is up to doing solid 11-12 hrs/night.  She still gets a little tired in the evening hours, but with the sun going down earlier and earlier each day, it makes getting to an earlier bedtime much easier. :).

So I think I hit it all...I'll conclude this lovely update with some pictures I've captured recently of the little lady.

Until Next Time...

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