Labor Day Weekend 2015

Labor Day Weekend 2015

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

And we got a bleeder!

Okay...glad to make it to morning with a relatively good nights sleep! Yesterday (as I posted) was ridiculous with the kiddos...eight days without getting out and about (now on day nine) was pushing this momma over an edge! So when it came time for didn't happen! We needed groceries; so little Lucy & Rae still were able to get to bed on time (thanks to nursing) and Keller had been asking to join me at the big deal - he'd get a late bedtime was all.

Well...5 minutes into our shopping trip, the little kiddo is running around (as usual), trips, falls, smacks his forehead on the cart and gets a puncture wound.  Blood, screams, panick..oh joy.  Thanks in part to basic first aid knowledge and in part to motherly instinct - I immediately stuck a thumb on it and kept pressure on.  Luckily enough a woman who was an EMT was there and was nice enough to get us some wipes and while not trying to sway us - simply said it looked "okay" - which was enough to give me some peace.  Also lucky, it stopped bleeding relatively quickly. So we finished shopping (of course)...came home to show dad..then off to the ER.

Two and a half hours and two stitches later, we were home. Bleh! Keller did great and so did the staff at Mayo ER.  He doesn't seem to be showing any signs of serious head trauma...he slept great....but he is a little goofty this morning (which could be the nine days inside!)

So all in all, he and his sister Lucy will have matching scars on their foreheads...although Lucy is winning in the stitch count 3-2.

Until Next Time..

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