Labor Day Weekend 2015

Labor Day Weekend 2015

Monday, March 22, 2010

My kid is going to be the weird one with the brown bag lunch..

I really think this is going to be Keller's future. I remember it being kind of dorky to have the weird "healthy" lunch in the brown bag at school but I watched the new ABC show "Food Revolution" and practically got sick to my stomach watching what our schools' feed students. I realize its not really the school itself but more the district and the USDA which is setting those "standards" but it is what it is and I don't think I want Keller eating that stuff.

We try not to bring processed stuff into our house and yes I realize that most people will say that with a kid, that's practically impossible...but we're going to give it a shot. We know he'll be exposed to it all practically everywhere he goes in life, so we're hoping to make our home kind of like the place he won't. We live by the motto- if it isn't here, we can't eat it...therefore, we just don't buy stuff we would rather not be eating. Pretty simple, but also kind of hard when you're trying to go for convenience too..

Anyways, I see Keller's future being one of picking out a really sweet solid lunch container...probably with the latest action hero or cartoon fad on it and dragging it behind him to school....or I was actually picturing me, visiting him each day, and eating lunch AT school with him. I know I know...super embarrassing, I guess my imagination hadn't gotten past elementary school where that might actually be kind of cool.

Hopefully by the time Keller gets to school this whole lunch situation will be a moot point anywhere and the schools around here will be serving healthy non-processed foods that we were all meant to be eating.

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  1. Thanks for the comment on my blog, I responded to your comment with my own comment on my blog, please check it out and keep the conversation going if youd like. Thanks! Hope all is well!


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