Labor Day Weekend 2015

Labor Day Weekend 2015

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring = YARD WORK!

So since spring is officially upon us, Broghan and I have been out in the yard trying to make things look a little more appealing. Also, this is our first Spring in our new home, so we really have no idea what we're getting ourselves into in regards to our yard!!

As a note: the pictures got uploaded backwards so they are technically out of order, but I think you'll get the general point.

Here is Broghan helping the little tree near our steps to grow straighter. You can also see how much cleaner this little space looks as compared to the last picture on the blog (which is our before photo)

Underneath all of our brush we discovered where the previous owners had planted their perennials. Here we believe we've discovered some hostas, although we won't really know what these are until the bloom a little later in the season.

This is the after photo for one side of the steps.

This is the before. Hopefully you get the idea of how bad it looked before! haha.

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