Labor Day Weekend 2015

Labor Day Weekend 2015

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The day should have more than 24 hours in it...

Ever have one of those days where when it ends, you can just sit on the couch, turn the lights down low and relax. The laundry is done and put away, you've somehow managed to vacuum and clean the house, dinner was a success and the dishes are done and put away too (how amazing!), you're little one even went through bed-time routine well and fell asleep in what seemed like no time. You get to the end of the day and think, wow, what a successful/productive day! I accomplished everything on my list. is not that day.

I'm here, at the end of today, sitting on my couch, but am anything but relaxed. I just polished off my third (yes THIRD) protein bar of the day and still have not showered (it's 10:18PM). My little guy is snoozing on the couch in only his diaper since bedtime tonight meant clawing and crying at me until he was too exhausted to fight it anymore. I don't have the heart to move him...or more, I'm afraid he'll wake up! haha.

Today was productive however, just not exactly what was on my list. Which is fine, if it weren't for the nagging feeling I have now. I want to keep going, but my body has quit. It has said, I am tired, I will not do more today. Ugh.

So for what I've accomplished, in no particular order since my brain won't function that way right now (skip this list if you aren't into these details, I'm hoping to lift my spirits by writing all this out) While the laundry is anything BUT done I have made progress and Keller does have clean diapers once again. The floors did get vacuumed but now they are cluttered with a multitude of toys, shoes, a breast-pump?, clothes, and other random stuff. I mowed the lawn and watered the garden. I spent some money (haha) but on things we gas in the car, shoe glue for Broghan's sandals, new swim goggles (we both have broken/old ones), and what I thought was "good" sunscreen but will be returning tomorrow. I helped Broghan take out the boat this afternoon too. He needed to test it out before his big fishing trip to Canada tomorrow. Add to that list of helping him vacuuming out the jeep! AND cleaning the windows! I also did what I do every weekday which is pick up Chris & Spencer (kids I nanny) from school and manage to help Chris get his homework done. Top all of this off with taking care of Keller and I suppose anyone would be tired by this time in the day.

The only things left I think I'm going to do now is to shower (I can smell me!) and read my "history of how we are born" book.

Night night~

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