Labor Day Weekend 2015

Labor Day Weekend 2015

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


SO these are just some random photos I had my in "To Be Uploaded" file that I had yet to do. There aren't big stories around these but just little snippets of what we have been up to I suppose..

This is a picture of what Broghan and I ate for a week (ok we only did it for 3 and 1/2 days...close to a week!) but it was a cleanse of that orangish looking substance (it was like powder and water...that couldn't mix) and then green veggies. I was allowed almonds and chicken since I'm nursing and needed more calories than the rest. It was a good attempt at cutting out sugars, but lets be honest here...I'm STILL a work in progress at getting rid of that darn sugar addiction!

Now this picture is fun! If you look ahead of the'll see Marvin, our 2 1/2 yr old chocolate lab. This is how we sometimes have to "run" him. And if you take a look at the speedometer, you'll notice we're traveling at a not so slow speed of 20 mph! He ran for over a mile and a half at that pace...if only we could be that quick!!

This was taken A LONG TIME AGO. I think Keller is only like 4 months?! I can't even remember since it was so long ago, but he's on our bed with one of Broghan's hats on...its just cute I think :)

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