I'm not sure if I mentioned it on here or on a babycenter.com board (I'm seriously on that website way too much these days) but a few weeks back Broghan changed the background on the computer to a picture of closed flower buds. We both agree that visualization and mental thought processes can have a big effect on your bodies ability to either go into or stay out of labor (for example being chronically stress - in the flight/fight response mode - will prevent labor from progressing OR cause it to go extremely fast). So each time I turn on my computer I get to see this picture and think "I'm a close little flower". It seriously makes me giggle each time but heck I'm full term so who knows!
But now that I AM full term...maybe I should change it to a nice wide open flower picture ;).
But then again, maybe I'm not so ready to have a baby TODAY...haha. This waiting game is hard! You can be sure though that there will be blog and FB updates if/when the time actually does come for this baby to be born (even if Broghan gives me crap about it). I really just want to do it so I have real-time records of what all happens....and of course I want all of you to be in the know ;).
Until next time...
I am SO happy for you Abby...what a relief I'm sure. I know how you're feeling! I can't wait to hear about the birth and your new little one. the thought had crossed my mind to have a homebirth someday...our current house just doesn't seem ideal. I'm thinking about you!