Ok sorry for the Charlie Sheen reference but it's quite fitting for these past two days. Overall, I'd say I do well controlling and keeping Keller in line and on schedule, however, as with every parent and every child there are those days. All of us moms are familiar. The day when even though your child's antics and behaviors aren't any different, the amount in which they need to do them to send us over the edge is for one reason or another substantially smaller than usual. That was yesterday. And Keller gets a tally in his "W" column.
Today, I'm happy to report that I'm back on the winning side of this lifetime battle of being a parent. Granted, Keller was with dad for the entire morning and maybe that's why I feel so good about it all. Haha. We've also very recently put in place some new "child proofing" things to help me out. We purchased fencing (gate looking stuff) to barricade Keller (and Marvin) into the back yard. They can still get out by wandering past our back driveway, but considering how isolated it is back there (only two other driveways of retired folks) and how far they'd seriously need to wander to get close to a road, I feel much more calm about Keller being outside. He also is becoming a professional at going out the door by himself, down the stairs successfully, and up the stairs and IN through the doggie door. Haha, we knew it'd be a useful purchase. I think Keller just really enjoys being outside, just as anyone would.
All in all today is great. Hopefully tomorrow follows in today's footprints. :).
Until next time...
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