Labor Day Weekend 2015

Labor Day Weekend 2015

Thursday, May 3, 2012

All about LUCY!

Lucy Ann Reilly 

She is such a ham! I can't even express how much I love this little girl and how much I am loving the little person she is becoming.  I feel like its always hard at first to really understand the personality of your kids because let's face it - when they are babies, they don't do a whole lot.  Granted I knew from the beginning she's determined and smart.  She seemed to figure me out rather fast.  But as she approached her first birthday and has now zoomed right on past it, her personality is beginning to really peak through and it's a blast!! She is hilarious and loves to play games.  She has mastered what our family calls the "puff kiss" and blowing on your arm, stomach, cheek, hand, whatever to make that fart noise.  She can say "hi", "mamma" "dadda" "ball" "uh-oh" and attempts to say "buhbye" and even "keller" (it sounds like a krrrrrr noise..but she only does it when I ask her to say Keller).  She also growls whenever I make a grrr noise out of frustration. Which stops me instantly and makes me laugh.  

She loves Keller probably as much, if not more, than Keller loves her.  She is always going after what he has and oddly loves to play with his ears (maybe a trademark obsession she gets from her dad?!)  She also tried to DO everything he DOES! I.E. climb UP the stairs, climb UP the slide, stand ON the rocking chair...this little girl is fearless.  

She also has in common with her big brother that she loves the dog food.  Seriously, what is it with the dog food?! 

She is better at sleeping than I could have dreamed a child to be.  While a few months back I posted about sleep training, she has become a pro at putting herself to sleep.  She is a solid 2 hr/twice a day napper, just like her big brother was; however, all we have to do around nap time is give her a squeeze and a kiss, then lay her down with her blankie and off to dreamland she goes.  This same routine (mostly) works for bedtime too...although true to how she has always been - she is a night owl.  While at this age Keller was going to bed early (6/7ish) she heads to sleep around 8/9ish.  Which works fine for her since she sleeps in a little later than him (he's up at 6:30 - she's up at 7:30).  

At her 1 - year check up her stats went like this:
Height - 28 inches - 3rd %
Weight - 18lbs 4 oz - roughly 18th %
Head Circ - 46.1 cm - 78th %

True to our family - short, healthy weight, and BIG head!! haha. The pediatrician says she's perfect!  Which I totally agree with...especially considering I grew her. ;)

Now onto the fun part - pictures. :)  And I'll throw in a video or two just for kicks. 

By the way...notice she is never looking at the camera...she has a tendency to look away JUST as the picture is snapped...;) I never worry..she's still cute!

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