Labor Day Weekend 2015

Labor Day Weekend 2015

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Hanging with dad.

Nothing is better than getting to spend time with dad - at least from my children's perspective.  Broghan works extremely hard for our family and for his patients and the community too.  He's involved in the Open Door Clinic and helps take care of a local semi-pro football team - the Crush.  He also plays racquetball and refs hockey.  Busy busy man but the best dad I could imagine for my kids.  Anyways, we often get small windows of opportunity where he gets to spend some quality time with the kids.  The great weather these past few weeks has really added to that since we've been able to do things outside.

The first picture is from a day when Broghan came up with a great game called - try to touch Keller while he is trying to spray you with the garden hose...super fun...really...I love getting soaked by my two year old.  Haha.  Anyways, the best part was when Keller had Broghan pinned behind the tree in our yard.  If I wasn't so fearful of my phone getting completely ruined by the water, I probably would have video taped it.. 

These next few pictures are of Broghan and Lucy and then Keller when we got to go to a park near our house for some fun.

Broghan and I both tried the duck as seemed to work much better for Keller. :)

I can't resist photos of when they nap together...just tooo cute!

Ahh teaching my son something I've always dreamed of (yea...right...picturing broken bones and casts...).  Obviously Broghan is standing behind him but he was happy as a clam up in that tree!  A good sign for when he gets old enough to be up in a deer stand!! 

More pictures to come!

Until next time...

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