Labor Day Weekend 2015

Labor Day Weekend 2015

Saturday, September 28, 2013

MAY - Baby Rae can sit up!

So, you might also notice the GIANT bed she is hanging out on.  This was the same time we acquired our KING sized bed. SUCH a heaven-sent thing for us.  We always end up with any number of the kiddos in bed, but hardly ever do we start a morning alone. So the king mattress has been wonderful!  Little Miss Rae has  been ahead of her curve in terms of gross motor all the way along and this is no exception - at just over four months she was beginning to get stable sitting up on her own.  Exciting times, but also makes this momma nervous for when she will eventually start walking! (K & L sat at ~ 6 months / walked ~ 12...dun dun dun)

Until Next Time...

MAY - Thank GOD for pictures!

Well, remember how just last post my kiddos were sitting in the sunshine on the front step? Just two days later, this happened! We were shot-gunned back into a winter wonderland for a temporary day or so.  It all melted quite quickly from what I can remember but I just cannot believe that we had so much snow in MAY!  It was a crazy crazy spring and one to remember!

Until Next Time....

Dusting it off...


Hello again my dear blog.  It's been a very long time since I've even thought about getting back into this site, but, as Rae grows and develops I have this nagging piece of me that feels as though I will forever regret not recording or at least making mention of some of the exciting things we have done throughout the summer months of 2013.  The last post I wrote was waaay back on April 30th! So many fun adventures have happened since then and our family can't help but feel immensely blessed beyond measure by everything we've been able to do.

I apologize ahead of time for anyone who actually follows our blog - as October is officially going to be my "blog catch up" month.  Meaning hopefully I'll be capturing all of our fun from these past...oh ...FIVE months in multiple posts - you may feel confused - or overwhelmed - as I'm sure I will too! But I need to get this stuff on here! ;) we go...