Labor Day Weekend 2015

Labor Day Weekend 2015

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Snarky continued but in a different direction...

Okay so this is a complete tangent from my last post, but as I said, I'm in a 'mood'.

As I was driving home a car pulled up next to me, it was a guy, not sure what he looked like or how old he was, although I'd probably guess 20's something just based on the car style.  But anyways, he was smoking.  And a couple thoughts ran through my head.  Here is my best attempt at explaining them:

Thought 1: I should just roll down my window and yell too him "No girl thinks smoking is attractive".

Thought 2: It would be kind of cool to have something like the following on my car window or bumper:
Simple Math
Smoking = disgusting
If then, YOU choose to SMOKE,
It can be deduced that
You = disgusting

Thought 3: When I get home, I'm going to post on Facebook this as my status: "I will never understand why people choose to smoke.  Please someone give me a reason smoking is a better choice over a different activity that DOESN'T negatively impact your health."  OR "Smoking makes no sense.  Each time a person lights one up, they are taking a step towards an early death.  So unless you're suicidal, why would you smoke? (and I'm not looking for rebuttals here)." 

Then...Thought 4: Do people really consider dying in your 70's to be enough? Do they not realize that our bodies are meant, and intended, and coded, to live for 120 years? That means, if you die at 75, you die 45 years before you were supposed to when your body was first created.  It blows my mind how anyone could be okay knowing they are practically ensuring an early death by smoking.

Thought 5: Woah Abby, take a breathe, smoking is addictive, some people can't help it.  (and here is where my head got into a fight with itself).  Aren't most people educated enough to know it's bad for you? And unless you're currently living under a rock and had been raised there your entire life, wouldn't you know that there are ways to quit? Why wouldn't someone do everything in their power to quit? Again, unless they seriously don't care about how long they live or what the quality of their life is....

Ok, I'm done.  Mostly because by this point, I was home and had to re-focus on unloading what turned out to be the perfect rug for my kitchen :). 

Hopefully I didn't offend you, but if I did, maybe you should quit smoking and then it wouldn't seem so offensive. (see....snarky...)

Nighty night.

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