Labor Day Weekend 2015

Labor Day Weekend 2015

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Feeling great!

Hey everyone - so WOW! - didn't realize I neglected my blog for the entire month of February!  Every time I considered blogging I thought to myself, oh well...I just blogged a little while ago, so I should be fine.  But NOPE! Totally missed out this month.  Anyways, I'm happy to report that (today anyways) life seems to be hitting a high.  Each month I set goals for myself and things I want to accomplish or mentalities that I want to stick with and even though February went through its ups and downs, I'm ending it and starting March on a very good note.

Physically I've been struggling with my asthma since the fall and in January Broghan and I decided to be a little more diligent in both my chiropractic treatments and my nutrition.  Well, the chiropractic treatments have been great.  I've been getting seen at the clinic 3Xs a week for just over a month and I've been doing as best as I can (okay, I probably can do better) at doing the home exercises and stretches and head weights.  Each time I get adjusted I can tell things are improving though because he can push down on my spine and each time less and less it hurts! Bones shouldn't hurt BTW. ;).    I feel like thanks to this, as well as with a change in my asthma medications and staying diligent in my supplements (D, Omegas, Calcium, AKEA, Sinuplex) I'm feeling very non-inflamed for the first time in months!  I actually feel strong enough to maybe, possibly, take a jog.  How fun.  I miss running!!

Mentally I'm doing well.  I was able to have a doula client this past month which brought about its own set of stress, especially the day of the delivery.  It was a 24 hr straight through day which left my brain aching and my emotions all over the place.  Luckily, I have an awesome husband who (even though I was throwing out negative stuff) took the high road and took care of me and handled the kids while I proceeded to sleep 17 hours.  My brain definitely needed a break! He also took care of Lucy's sleeping through the night issues!  It's been almost a week and she has slept soundly for 12 hours + every night.  SOO amazing!  We finally have our few hours in the evenings back and a full nights sleep too!  I woke up this morning feeling like a million bucks and ready to get busy.

Spiritually I'm making progress.  I've blogged before about how my spiritual journey and my relationship with God and Christ really came to be when I lost Madison.  I have been attending a mom's bible study on Wednesdays *during the school year* and then usually have one mom's bible study session in the summer months too - plus we've found an amazing church called Jacob's Well here in the Valley.  Being committed to those groups and attending church on Sunday mornings has really allowed me to feel comfortable in my faith, but I know I just don't KNOW enough.  So I've been taking the Bible out every evening and reading from the Gospels to Keller for bedtime.  It's been great going through it since 1) it puts Keller to sleep in no time! haha 2) I finally get to work through the stories in chronological order in the books..I've never done that.  I've always heard the stories during church services or during a bible study and in both situations they are very broken up and digested down for understanding.  I want to whole picture, so I'm reading the Bible...finally!

Anyways, my little update about me is over - I have plenty more to be looking forward to over these next few months - including FIVE doula clients between now and the end of the summer! Awesome! I'll get on with the fun updates - pictures of the kids!

Until next time...

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