Labor Day Weekend 2015

Labor Day Weekend 2015

Thursday, October 14, 2010


So it's finally been made public knowledge, but I'm pregnant again! Something we're very excited about and happy to be able to share.

Technically we took a pregnancy test way back in early September that came back positive but because of the way the scheduling with doctors work, we didn't have an appointment with a medical doctor until October 4th, where we were lucky enough to hear a heart-beat! it was hard to find, as it always is with my children, but the nurse finally got a good tone and said it was somewhere in the 160's.  That's 100 beats per minute FASTER than my own heart-rate.  Crazy..

Anyways, we weren't able to make an ultrasound work that day, so we scheduled it for a week out.  This past Tuesday the 12th.  Honestly, it was the fastest ultrasound appointment I'd ever had and I loved it! We checked in, got called, walked right into the room, did the ultrasound and back out.  Awesome.  It showed that I was 12 weeks, that day, and that my due date is April 26th of next spring. (obviously). We also got a more accurate sound-bite of the heart beat and it was at 169!  Broghan is already thinking girl....but I guess we'll see in about 28 weeks!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations again! I'm loving have two so close together. I'm sure Keller will be a great big brother. What fun they'll have growing up together! I hope you're feeling well, I know I was really tired, especially chasing after a toddler!


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