Labor Day Weekend 2015

Labor Day Weekend 2015

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Home Visit - Heck Yes!

I'm 35 weeks - 2 days today.  On Thursday, while I won't be getting a green light that day for a homebirth, we do have our home visit!  This is a very exciting day for homebirthers  because it's when we get to show off how prepared we are (lol..well we have supplies anyways ;) )

It's also the time where our midwives go through the "what to do if baby comes fast!" procedures...mostly this is for Broghan and who knows how fast it WILL go.  I've had a 3 1/2 hr birth, a 32 hr birth, and a 14 hr birth...could be anywhere in between or outside of those!  They also spend time asking him about his preferences.  Since we're 2nd timers (soo experienced in homebirth :O) (jk of course) but really...they ask about his experience last time and what he'd like to have the same and/or different.  I really love the personalized care we get with this system of care.

We also enter our final countdown to get the "go ahead" for not only a full-term birth but also a homebirth! Up until's simply been a "planned" homebirth..and while it technically continues to be considered that until the actual date of delivery (you never know what could come up); after Sunday (36 weeks) it shifts just enough to make my excitement levels sky-rocket!

I've also (finally) ordered my birth kit...which really we only needed a handful of supplies that we couldn't find or needed to be sterile...and the birth pool liner.  All of which should be here by the end of the week.  C R A Z Y.  I'm going to be going through the process of getting this baby out and we're going to become parents (protectors and guardians) of THREE other people.  Yikes. Okay, maybe excitement levels will sky-rocket, but so will nervous energy levels. LOL.

And...I'm rambling.  Point is, birth is near - house is ready - parents are ready - and my midwife is soon to be on board with letting us go ahead with this crazy plan of having a baby at home! YIPPEE!!

Until Next Time...

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