Labor Day Weekend 2015

Labor Day Weekend 2015

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Eau Claire Half Marathon!

Alright, finally this post is getting done! Broghan, myself and our good friend Austin Aho completed the Eau Claire Half Marathon on Sunday May 2nd. It was such an amazing day! Coming off a pretty stressful two weeks prior, this is something I had been looking forward to accomplishing for some time. While I will very openly admit my training lacked, I was happy with my overall race and finish. It's hard to remember exactly, but I'm fairly certain this is how the results for us three went:

Austin: 1hr 57mins
Broghan: 2 hrs 5 mins
Abby 2 hrs 12 mins

Not too shabby?! Here are some photos of us courtesy of my parents who were awesome and came out to stay the night before in order to watch Keller the morning of the race (they even cleaned my kitchen while we were running!)

Broghan and Austin running at about mile 3. They stayed together throughout most of the course but ended up getting 'split up' at about mile 10 when Broghan stopped for a bathroom break.

Oh that's right, I'm not putting the ones of me on here! Haha, while my mom did capture me running, I'm not so impressed with the overall visuals...anyways, when I did run past (about mile 3) I was probably 15 minutes behind the boys. I was one of the last people to START the race because I used the restrooms BEFORE I ran...and it was at this point that my father pointed out "Abs, your pretty far behind them ya know" or something along those lines..

Here we are post-race with our fancy-schmancy medals!

Me, my parents & Keller post-race. Thanks again for coming out!!!!

Oh and to add in, about 5 hours after the race I could no longer maybe the next time I try one of these I'll focus more on the training portion... :)

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