Labor Day Weekend 2015

Labor Day Weekend 2015

Monday, January 23, 2012

Ahh to be tough.

I'm a pretty touch chick.  I've been told that many times in my life and actually believe it to some extent.  But when it comes to my babies, I'm a wuss.  I just need a place to vent this moment of weakness in hopes that it will revive my thick skin enough to push through.  I'm of course talking about our sleep training efforts with Lucy.  I've resolved myself enough to realize that the night time training may not happen until this Spring when she is past that 12 month marker - but naps are something that I can work on now and feel pretty comfortable with.  She needs to learn to sleep in her crib - I know this.  She needs consistency from me if she's ever going to learn to sleep in her crib - I also know this.  She won't learn to sleep in her crib if I keep going down there and picking her up - I hate this. It's so damn hard to let her figure it out on her own when I can hear and see (on the monitor) her cries.  10 minutes feels like a lifetime and 30 minutes an eternity when doing this.  For some reason, Keller was hard but maybe not as hard or more likely I've just put those memories in a place I can't access anymore.  Who knows why.  But I have to be consistently firm if I expect success.  No fun for me! 

But thanks to you, my blog (and readers), for giving me the place to put these little weak moments - hopefully it will serve myself and Lucy in the long run. 

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. you can do it! no one ever said this parenting thing was easy but sometimes doing what's best is the hardest thing ever. good luck with the sleep training! sometimes the monitor makes it worse. turn it off for the 10 minutes and watch tv or do something else to keep your mind off it. and then check in.


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