Labor Day Weekend 2015

Labor Day Weekend 2015

Thursday, December 27, 2012

First day alone!

Well, we did it. We survived an entire (almost) day alone (me and the 3 kiddos).  Only 4 days post partum and I have to admit my ego is feeling a little large tonight for making it through without serious disaster.

Last night was a rough one.  The kids finally had a smooth bedtime where neither went down after a tantrum and we thought that was going to suggest a full nights rest for them.  Obviously we were crazy, because before midnight hit both came up the stairs in hysterics.  Apparently, in my blur of postpartum-ness I forgot to put Keller into a daiper; which equals him wetting the bed.  This set him off...which I can only assume woke Lucy and made her upset.

The only directions I really have during this post partum period is 2 full weeks of lifting nothing that weighs more than my little Miss Raegan.  This means Keller and Lucy are out of luck when it comes to me picking them up or forcing them anywhere...which means technically I'm out of luck in that department.

Back to the story, so since I can't physically put them back anywhere, we had to do some negotiating. Keller gladly climbed up into our bed with Broghan while Lucy took a little more convincing.  I ended up with Keller to my left, Raegan on my front (I was leaning on the wall a bit), and Lucy to my right...with Broghan in bed too.  It was ridiculous.  Broghan finally bit the bullet and relinquished his spot so we could spread out a bit.  He ended up in a spare kids bed we have in the baby's future room. Anyways, from that point on, we got some decent sleep.

But that whole scenario made me a little nervous for a day alone..but at the same time feeling like if I could survive that, the daylight was a welcomed change.  Broghan was also a sweetheart and let me and Raegan sleep in until NINE! It was a much needed extra few hours of sleep for me and probably her too.

After he headed off to work (around noon), we finished up naps for the kids and then gathered ourselves up and packed into the car.  I have now managed to get kids into and out of the van three full times without lifting! :) Whoopie! Anyways, we headed first up to the office because as I mentioned to my sister today, bills don't get pushed back just because you had a is STILL due on the first. So we went there first then after a few hours headed to the Eau Claire Children's Museum (as promised today).  They did great a wearing themselves out and their bedtimes proved that.  Tonight, however, we have them sleeping is different rooms and hopefully that will be our saving grace from a repeat of last night.  Oh and I did manage to remember to get Keller into a diaper ;).

Here are our pics from today

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