Labor Day Weekend 2015

Labor Day Weekend 2015

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Bring on the greens

Broghan and I try and try and try to eat well.  More than just basic health, it's a lot to do with trying to heal our bodies of some things that are not top-notch.  For me, it's my sinuses, allergies, and asthma.  They are chronically a problem and I struggle daily with breathing through my nose.  

A little background: My asthma is currently "controlled" with Advair, however, I recently had a bout with a true-to-form walking pneumonia.  I only came to realize I even had a lung infection because it got to the point where my diaphragm was irritated enough that my left shoulder began hurting (what I now know is called 'referred pain'...which I HATE).  Broghan was nervous about my "left side only" pain and we ended up in the ER ( many times can I go to the ER in my life?!).  After blood, urine, a physical exam, a chest X-ray and an EKG they learned it was not my heart but my lung.  Stupid lung.  The only reason my pneumonia was able to go undetected for so long to the point where I ended up in an ER was because of my Advair.  Advair prevents symptoms of lung irritation (that's what asthma is...over-reaction of the lungs to stuff)...even if that irritation is due to an infection.  Ugh, it is so counter productive. I can breathe...but only if I risk infections.  Either way...I'm in an ER!  And this is the BEST they've come up with in the medical world...:/.  

Back to the point: We have been researching alternative means of controlling my airways that do not include the potential side effects of Advair (such as an increased possibility of asthma related a more severe attack or pneumonia).  Part of what we have found is some supplementation and the other part (ok, this is the BIG part actually) is diet.  Cut, cut, cut.  That's what I need to do.  I need to cut out gluten, dairy, excess fats, processed stuff, artificial ingredients and the like.  Pretty much everything that most of us eat daily.  Now, anyone who knows us, knows we've been working on this type of diet for a few years...everything in life is a work in progress I guess.

So, today for lunch we went a little alternative and made some 'fish tacos' and Kale 'chips'.  Here's what I'm talking about:

The fish tacos are wrapped in a big leaf lettuce.  They have tomato, cucumber, sprouts, pickles & onions; the fish; mayonnaise (real stuff...not miracle whip), and a mango-wasabi sauce (only on Broghan's...I don't eat that stuff). They were quite tasty!

 The Kale chips are pieces of kale, tossed in Olive oil, lemon and sea salt.  Baked at 350 for 10 min....still not sure if I actually like them though...

SO as we continue down this I wrote in the title...BRING ON THE GREENS! 


  1. Sounds good! We try to eat well too and buy mostly organic and local produce and meat but greens are my enemy. I want to like them but haven't found a great way to cook with them yet. If you find any great recipes will you let me know?

  2. absolutely! mostly for green stuff we just steam broccoli and green beans :) otherwise we try to keep spinach on hand for salads and in omelets in the morning. I didn't really care for that Kale thing..but I guess if you're looking for a chip substitute it might work!


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