Labor Day Weekend 2015

Labor Day Weekend 2015

Thursday, June 10, 2010

This is common...right??

I'm thinking this is more common than just in our household...or at least I'm hoping so. Keller is in clothe diapers, which, yes, is probably a big part of the problem since the Velcro tabs are pretty easy to grab at. But my child LOVES to pull his little tab and let his diaper fall off. After letting Keller play on the floor in the living room for a few minutes with Broghan, I came in to find him in compromising situation. His facial expression shows just how 'distressed' he is about the whole thing!

1 comment:

  1. Ainsley still does this... now she's mastered doing it through her pants when we're out and about. What a great trick.
    P.S. Keller is adorable and looking so big!


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