Labor Day Weekend 2015

Labor Day Weekend 2015

Sunday, April 17, 2011

making some progress..

Well, we had lunch and went for a walk and that seems to have helped a little. Contractions are now 2 minutes apart for 1 minute and again, somewhat more intense.  Broghan is being amazing (once again) at being my labor partner.  He's good about holding me, giving kisses and rubbing my back.  All great distractions during a contraction.

Ok..note, while updating just now I had a contraction and definitely yes, much more intense.  :).  Still tolerable.

Broghan is in the process of filling up the birth pool since due to the limitations of any hot water heater it's going to take a little while....meaning we'll run out of hot water before the tub is all the way filled up.

Also in the meanwhile, my family is being my family always is. Entertaining.  My mom keeps making comments about my water breaking and how I should be sitting on a plastic thing.  My dad keeps asking if I'm ready to have the baby because "birth is imminent, definitely within the hour".  Now granted, he's been saying this since he's gotten here at noon.  Ahh dad...

Also, wanted to put it out there that this will probably be MY last update...since these suckers are picking up, I'm foreseeing myself being busy from here on out and not really apt to unless everything slows, next update will be about baby :)~

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. congrats mama! I can't wait to see pics and get stats and of course hear how the home birth went!!! hope mama and baby are healthy and happy!


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